Tuesday, February 24

just why do guy like to play wif girls feelings i really dnt understand.
was it out of interest or do they find it cool that girls tear for them? well...
its been really long. i seem to have moved on from A's case. but why do i still feel that unwanted ache?
why cant things just go my way? was it me? got no idea
im back to being in that circle. confused, dont knw what i really want. dont knw if i shuld love someone else or just wait. super sick &tired of blogging in this manner. im really sorry friends. just cant help it.
just why? after waiting for so long, thought he's the right one but it turns out to be more hurting than it shuld.
or was it that both of us just acted out of rebound? for his case, definitely. for me? idk!
anw enough of this non-stop ranting.

sis bought durian pancakes from four season. favourite!
met lin at like 11plus just now. then met royston &melvin to lepak at kensington.
got home at like 4am. yep

however, life still got to go on. GOGO!

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